
Icebergs are an excellent metaphor for our knowledge of the effects of medications on nutritional health – we’re aware of their existence, but we don’t really know the size of the underwater or “hidden” component.


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Medications & Nutrition Overview

Ebook cover for Medications and Nutrition Overview

Medications can both affect our nutritional status and be affected by various foods, nutrients and our nutritional health. This overview will briefly address some of these aspects.

The terms “drugs”, “medicines” and “medications” are used interchangeably.

About pharmaconutrology

Image of cover for the booklet About Pharmacology

Medications can both affect our nutritional status and be affected by various foods, nutrients and our nutritional health. This overview will briefly address some of these aspects.

The terms “drugs”, “medicines” and “medications” are used interchangeably.

MedNut Mag Issue 1

Thumbnail image of MedNut Mag Issue 1 front cover

MedNut Mag Issue 1 is an introduction to the applicability of pharmaconutrition in daily clinical practice.

This is a free resource as not even your name and email are required, because we believe many clinicians are unsure whether this aspect of care is relevant to their practice - and hopefully this resource will inform your professional decision.

Insulin chart

Icon for chart identifying insulin durations of effectiveness

Chart outlining human insulin preparations including time to onset, time to peak, and duration of effect.

Non-insulin preparations chart

Icon for chart identifying non-insulin durations of effectiveness

Chart variously outlining non-insulin preparations including half-life, time to peak, duration of effect, and time to steady state.

B vitamin names

Thumbnail image of alternate names for B vitamins

A number of terms are applied to B vitamins and are often used interchangeably and so can become confusing.

This website is also guilty of using the terms interchangeably.

List of Osmolalities of some medicines

The cover image for a table identifying the osmolalities of a range of prescribed medicines

Osmolality is profoundly important in tolerance of medicines as its side effects are often uncomfortable and therefore unacceptable.
This is a table of 80+ medicines for which their osmolalities were relatively easy to identify.

Beginners guides

Explanatory tips on the layout of the database

Suggestions for applying the information

Expandable tables to present summary information

Useful sources of good quality research information




Weekly abstract service - you can choose your journals.

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Weekly abstract service from a range of journals. 

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Enables access to a range of vetted, good quality journals.

Free access however content may cost.

Enables access to a broad range of good quality journals.

Free access however content may cost.


The Pharmacist Edit - podcast

When will the nutrition scientists

look over the fence and into this paddock of unknowns that await exploration?

Image for Medications and nutrition about drug-food and drug-nutrient interactions

Medications & Nutrition

Helping busy clinicians access clinically-useful drug-nutrient and drug-food interactions research 

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